autumn edition newsletter 2022
The year 2022 has imposed many challenges upon us already. Early in the year the Omicron surge forced event cancellations, and now the severe weather event endured in South East Queensland over the weekend has us deeply concerned for the wellbeing of everyone impacted. We hope that you are all safe.

Despite so many challenges our team have remained incredibly productive with projects, forward planning, and as always adapting to new challenges. In addition to our usual busy schedule (providing education to Queensland Health staff) access to training has been purchased from groups of interstate clinicians, and we have been planning and delivering training commissioned by services in the NGO sector on a large scale. Through the sharing of consistent language and practices across services, we hope to see improvements for consumers of mental health services, their families and loved ones.

On a sad note, earlier this year the Learning Centre team were devastated by the loss of our team member Cheryl Sullivan, who passed away after a lengthy battle with illness.

More than just a colleague Cheryl was a friend. Her passionate and enthusiastic nature made her incredibly memorable, so the loss is felt deeply. We cherish the memories we have of her, and have enjoyed hearing others recount their own stories after her 28 year history working in Mental Health services, in particular her many years as a Learning Centre Clinical Educator traveling around the state.

For anyone who may be struggling with this sad news or other life challenges you are encouraged to seek support. Connections via Employee Assistance Services are always available.

Our entire team are incredibly grateful for everyone's responsiveness and support through recent unprecedented times.

In loving memory of Cheryl Sullivan

writing learning outcomes made easy eLearning screenshot
QC58 Developing Educators Program - Now available!

We are very excited to announce the launch of a new learning suite to support the skills development of Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Educators.

The QC58 Developing Educators Program is designed as a repository of 'bite sized' training and resources that will continue to evolve into the future. Included so far are the following:
  • Writing Learning Outcomes Made Easy - eLearning module
  • Understanding the Many Dimensions of Learning Transfer - a recorded webinar
  • Enhancing Mental Health Education Using Simulation - a recorded webinar
Additional custom-built eLearning modules are in planning, along with other video recordings, tools, tip sheets and reading material. Content development will continue to be informed by feedback sought via our network of Educators and the Educators Community of Practice (more on this below).

We can't wait to bring you more updates as this resource continues to develop into the future.
set scene from filming for QC55
Supervision courses update - new eLearning module on its way

Our three Supervision courses have always relied heavily on face-to-face content delivery to ensure the effective transfer of skills. With demand for this training increasing, a need was identified to translate some of the foundational concepts to a more adaptive and accessible format; hence a new introductory supervision eLearning module is currently in development.

This short module will offer a base level introduction to supervision. The addition of this eLearning module to the supervision suite will also mean that training time for the supervisee course QC8 Best Practice Models of Supervision can be reduced to approximately 4 hours. QC8 will be concurrently adapted into an online classroom version, making this training even more accessible.

Plans for filming new elements for the training are mapped out for mid year. Testing of the new QC8 training is planned for late in 2022.

We look forward to launching our newly revamped suite in early 2023. Stay tuned for more updates as we implement small changes along the way.
data analysis
Suicide Risk Assessment and Management in an Emergency Department Setting (SRAM-ED) - course redevelopment project

A major redevelopment of the SRAM-ED training suite continues, in partnership with Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch and Queensland Emergency Department Strategic Advisory Panel. The project has a strong people focus and is undertaken using a co-design approach with Lived Experience representation and close consultation with Emergency Department Professionals.

The redevelopment will see new course design, training resources, an updated eLearning platform and revised train-the-trainer workshop.

The project is progressing toward roll out late 2022.
Life in Mind
Training partnership - Centre for Mental Health Learning Victoria

The Centre for Mental Health Learning (CMHL) Victoria recently launched their own online learning management system (LMS) with a selection of self-guided eLearning. When first embarking on this project, they looked to us for advice to help guide their planning and it was a privilege to be considered among the experts on their consultative panel.

Discussions quickly lead to content and a request for support in developing an introductory supervision eLearning package was received. Our team lead the content development for the eLearning; a self directed program that assists learners to gain an understanding of what supervision is (and what it is not) and guides learners through the key elements that build an effective clinical supervision relationship.

Through this partnership we will also gain a new, introductory supervision eLearning product adapted to Queensland Health settings in the coming months (as mentioned in the earlier article). We look forward to providing further details on the launch in upcoming newsletters.
Life in Mind
Community of Practice for Mental Health Educators update

The Community of Practice for Mental Health Educators (those with an education portfolio or education aspect to their role who work in a Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Service) continues to be a successful initiative.

Recordings from two of the initial sessions have now become resources in the newly launched QC58 Developing Educators Program training resource.

Our next session is only a matter of days away; Use of Graphics in Facilitation is taking place on 3 March. The invitations have been shared, and as always the session will be recorded for later viewing if you can't attend.

Our second session for the year is also in planning. The Value of Bite Sized Learning is scheduled for 27 June.

Invitations are open to members who would like to present at the September or December gatherings.
Life in Mind
Training access for QAS staff

We are very pleased to advise that Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) staff are now included in the list of Queensland Health employed workers automatically exempt from fees in accessing Learning Centre training.

They have long been considered part of the greater Queensland Health team (funded under the same government umbrella) however with a new feature implemented in our LMS, they now have streamlined access to our training.
What's coming next?

We'll have many more exiting updates about new training content and course updates that are currently in planning.

HHS Executive teams are encouraged to keep an eye out for the release of the 2021 Annual Report which will be disseminated soon.

If you did not receive this newsletter email directly, and wish to be included in our contacts to receive our training event notification emails and other future correspondence, click on the subscribe link at the bottom of this email.
Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning, Ellerton Drive, Wacol Qld 4076
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service, RTO code 40745
ph: 0436 613 469

ABN: 64 468 984 022
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